Please donate to me if you can. It would mean so much. Here's the donation link - click me!

Friday, September 27, 2013

To do today

I'm getting my bus pass and trying to see if a can make a little magic happen by bringing in more $$$.

Last night was dreadfully cold. I fell asleep at Subway. I slept outside for a while and just couldn't take it. I got about 20 minutes of sleep.  The wind kept whipping through.

I need a new bag. The bloody zipper broke. Darn it.

Friday, September 20, 2013

The Great Outdoors

Yes, I like sleeping outside. It likes me so far :)  Much better than when I had my silver Jeep and a guy with a hyperdermic needle full of some sinister substance approached me.

I was fast asleep on a bus bench, when an older gentleman asked,'Getting on the bus.'

I cheeily replied,'No'.  It was around 1am.

He said,'Bless you.'   He was legitimately concerned.

I think it scares people when they see someone who is happy being homeless.

I've been through so much dealing with stalkers over the recent years that I actually prefer being homeless.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

What about Obama's legacy?

He won't have one. There were a plethora of things removed from society in the name of diversity, so that Obama could be elected. The US had to lose its cognition to elect Barack Obama. Things like the school in the semi-rural area that was quite advanced without the parents prompting fell by the way after bussing began. Many high schools had their own excellent individual vocational programs, however, the advent of bussing meant that a school was dealing with a different population with different needs and had to drop the vocational program.

What do you think about the consolidation of blogs to one?

I've noticed that steadily blogs have been acquired by a corporate body and it is bad for the blogsphere. Many conservative bloggers seem to vanish or become acquired by a big corporate body.

Bloggers really did not like Obama, so race had a great deal to do with it. Doing security for Barack Obama and his family is a nightmare and there were many news leaks about what they are really like in the run up to him winning the election. People setup some things on the Obama family. There was an accident at a gas station. He cannot go anywhere by himself. No one in the Obama family can go anywhere alone.

Overall, the consolidation was to make life easier for Obama. There were many plots setup to kill him. People should not be surprised that nothing is getting done in Washington DC. It is a full time job to make sure no one kills Barack Obama.

I predict a resurgence in blogging once Obama is out of office.

What is it like to be homeless?

I spend my day thinking,' I love the great outdoors.' Because that is what it is like. I am at the whim of the weather.

Are there things I miss about having an apartment? The only one is having a refrigerator with some healthy veggie foods. I used to like making my own salads and soups. I had a horrible time with apartments while I was in Los Angeles, so really, that one thing is what I miss.

Sleeping indoors is a privilege.

Being homeless really means being aware of your surroundings at all times. There are many people who will hurt you in you're not careful.

How does the US attract more business?

Get Barack Obama out of office ASAP. Elect someone who inspires confidence. This means electing someone who is self made. Not someone like Obama who has a team of people who make it seem as if he can listen intuitively.

The US also has to be fair and stop using quotas to hire people. I genuinely think many dotcom companies folded back in 2000 and 2001 because they did not want to start having hiring quotas.

There was a great deal of pressure on those companies to have more people of color as employees.

I'll tell you what I've found. The US can't sell their minority population as workers to other nations. The largest employer of African Americans is the US government. Latinos tend to be in lower paying agricultural positions.

I think that the government needs to stay out of private enterprise and stop harassing those owners about quotas, because they were the only people truly capable of attracting business to the USA. I hope the dotcom compsnies are able to make a comeback without being harassed about hiring quotas. As they know, success is about having the good cognition to do the work and not skin color.

What do you think of Obama and the job economy?

What do you think of Obama and the job economy?

It is a long slog. Essentially a waiting game. Job creation will have to wait until after Obama is out of office. With Obama at the helm, whenever new jobs are created, a certain percentage automatically go to people of color without looking at qualifications and people don't like it. I'm not the only one who has noticed it. I've had college educated people just flat out say it. I genuinely believe that people of color are very insistent on their still being a quota system, because of differences in development. They can see that certain races and ethnicities are quicker on the job.

When a multinational company decides to build an office in an area, they look at the race and ethnicity of the populace. Ideally,the area has to be super high cognition. For most, if they see one African American, they cross the area off the list. In the run up to having Obama as president, there was a big push for race based home loan programs, like Freddie Mac and people without the proper economic backing were gifted homes in areas they never would have been in during prior years. Instead of enriching neighborhoods, the new housing programs drove away business.

In my opinion, electing Obama was a way to say that blacks are cognizant too. It was a copout.  However, no one seems to remember Obama from college or law school. How odd. Did he really go?  I genuinely feel that test scores show the difference between races. Some races simply do better at school.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Other examples of human cloning I saw at the 2005 BMW Classic

These are other examples of human cloning I saw at the 2005 BMW Classic held in Los Angeles.

Surreal, no?

I'm homeless right now. If possible could you please donate?

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What is your diet like?

What is my diet like? Not good. The 99 cent menu is  my food staple. So are tasty things from the 99cent store. I usually drink powered coffee (it costs $1 a box for 7 tiny packets - more potent than a small container, I've found) in the morning, followed by 2 energy drinks (59 cents at the 99cent Store), and eat some fast food (maybe tacos or a small brekkie sandwich - either costs about $1). I used to buy what they call cupcakes from the 99cent store (they are yellow and not frosted) and eat 2 or 3 for breakfast, but they really were a bad source of energy. My favorite source of energy are energy drinks, I'm afraid.

What do I really like off the $1 menu? Any chicken sandwich is brilliant! Burger King wins the $1 burger contest, by a long shot. McDonalds $1 menu contains some of the most psychotic food I've ever had. Arby's has a relatively good milkshake on its value menu.  I like the jamocha flavor.

I hate Jack in the Box milkshakes. They make my tummy burn.

Wendy's has a pretty good $1 menu cheeseburger. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

How long have I been homeless?

I've been homeless since December 15, 2012. What happened? I couldn't stay in Riverside County anymore. I lived in my car until June 2013. Then, it stopped working and got towed. I didn't care. Why? The reality is that it was such a piece of junk that the car company refunded my money in its entirely. If you go to the Long Beach Jeep dealership, make sure you ask about the 2005 Jeep Liberty they sold that was such a piece of junk, they refunded the entire price of the vehicle. You'll get a nice discount.

Hard Times Hit Blogger

Hard Times Hit Blogger was once one of America's favorite websites. Now, it is defunct.

The site's profits fell to about $400 a  month and the site owner fell behind in the web hosting bill.

The site's revenue fell considerably since a 2005 peak of $7,000 a month. The site even received book interest.

'The book deal never panned out. I later found out it was someone who went to high school with me at Narbonne High School who ruined the deal. I'm not even sure why someone who went to school with me briefly and had lackluster grades would try to be part of my project, but I'm sure people have stranger stories about losers from their past hassling them,' she sighed.

To add to the mess, the blogger is also homeless.

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Did she have savings? Yes, 50k, but it was not enough.

'I tried to save more in my savings account, but Bank of America would not let me. Whenever I tried to save more, they would call incessantly and demand I open a CD account. So I had a CD account for one year. I did not like the service at the bank so I cashed it out.'

The site is currently down, along with other web ventures she owns. The other ventures are,,, and several others.

' and were the big moneymakers and now that it over. I made about $400 last month on advertising and that was the end of the road.', Smith says.

Smith says was featured in more than 100 news articles in 2005.  The site was even mentioned on television numerous times. alone once generated $7,000 a month. In unison with and other domains in her portfolio, she made twice that amount. Her most successful year was 2005, when she made almost $300,000.

When did she know the site would be a hit? It was mentioned on,, and other big sites and made about $500 in one day. It had been open one month.

'I was surprised. The world shifted on me after that. I kept finding myself in Los Angeles,' she says.

"I had a great time sending key chains to people. I paid off my student loans and credit card debt. I owed $249,000 in student loans, plus a few grand in credit card debt.'

She describes living in Los Angeles as 'a strange bundle of highs and lows'. Imagine having 'a homemade laptop bag stolen'.

She worked all the time. There was barely nothing that she ordered via US Mail that was not tampered with. She opened an order of clothes from Old Navy that looked worn and even smelled bad. Even kitchen items were tampered with.

An order of furniture from Ikea went horribly. The delivery people smelled rancid. The delivered furniture was not even from Ikea.

Smith was hobbled by several burglaries at her Los Angeles residences. She moved about seven times. Cameras, laptops, memory sticks, CDrs and more were taken.

She also had problems with some bandits taking the parts off her car. The culprits were people who had been arrested for stealing from apartments she once owned in another state.

'They had lost their military benefits for stealing and wanted revenge. The charges for stealing from my places were added to other charges and equalled prison time,' she adds.

She went to a Los Angeles pro tennis tournament where people advertised to be top players on the tour were fake. See some of the photos at

Listen to my thoughts on these photos.

'It was ridiculous.  There was a guy at the tournament saying he was Paradorn Schrichipan and while he looked somewhat similar, he had a different face shape. The promoters were desperate to make money. Same thing with Radek Stepanek.'

What was it like to write one of the most popular celebrity blogs online?

'Fun.', says Smith.

'I loved getting tips on who had plastic surgery and enjoyed looking through celebrity photo archives for facial changes. By the end of it, I felt like a bit of a plastic surgeon.', says the blogger.

Smith has  been fighting homelessness since December 2012. She was in an auto accident in 2008 and says her attorneys never did any paperwork on her case. Instead, she says, they used her web prominence as a way to drum up business for other ventures.

She lost her auto accident case despite being rear ended from behind. The accident left her with about $25,000 in debt and a bad case of sciatica. She is now a chronic pain sufferer.

'The hardest part of it all was losing my place to live.'

A few years prior to her accident, Smith had a few sensual photos published in a well known men's magazine. A greasy photographer at an event told her, 'you should check back at your old apartment in Long Beach for some of your stuff. No one took anything.'

Smith had moved several times over having things taken from her apartment. The theft never stopped, so she resorted to renting an apartment in Los Angeles, but acually living in another state.

She went back and there was a brand new camera, and some other new items, plus a note. All were replacements for items taken. She left them untouched, found a vacant apartment one state over, and stayed there for the next several months. Smith was too terrified to go back to her Los Angeles apartment.

The next year, the same photographer would approach her at an event and say the same thing, but this time would mention her old place in Downtown Los Angeles. Everything that had been pilfered was replaced with a new version. She opened a window and threw everything into the dumpster in the alley below.

'I didn't want any of it back. Los Angeles is an incredibly depraved place. I didn't like my MKUltra experience.', she adds.

Buying her Jeep Liberty from a Long Beach dealership in 2005 was a nightmare.

'The so called new car they sold me was a piece of junk. They ended up having to refund all the money.'

Some friends in the entertainment business hinted that it was the 'price of celebrity'. The dealership saleman asked what she did and she told him about her sites.

Currently, she does not have a car. Her Jeep stopped working two months ago and was towed.  She didn't have the funds to retrieve the vehicle or have it fixed.

'I am managing without a car. In Los Angeles, my car was stolen several times due to me not making myself a human mattress for a certain group of guys, so being carless is not a big deal. '

For now, the blogger writes about her homeless experience at Her email is She has a donations url at

What is next for the popular blogger?

She says,' I know I can get my sites up and running again. I went through a great deal living in Los Angeles and had a disgruntled potential suitor tell people that he'd make sure I made no money on my website in the next few years. Punishment for not dating such a gentleman, I suppose. The guy is a developmentally disabled person who is a fan of some sexy pictures I took. The photos were in the Book of Lingerie. I plan to keep moving forward and get back on my feet.'

What did you learn?

'To save. I had savings. They are no more. 50k in savings in really nothing. You need 100k. Remember that. I learned the hard way.', says Smith.

'The difference is staggering.  With 100k, I'd have a place to stay, a little studio apartment. I'd have a diet that consists of more than the one dollar menu at a fast food place. I am way more perky after a good salad. 100k means that you have some work clothes that cause an employer to take you seriously. I don't have any right now. I don't even have decent shoes. I keep warm with a 3 dollar blanket.'

'My advice is save, save, save. If your so called bank does not treat you right, go to another one.  I needed to have more saved and the bank I was already using (Bank of America) was problematic. I did try to save more than 50k, but a male employee who barely seemed to speak English would start calling incessantly and begging me to come in and setup a CD account. '

'I'll tell you what an acquaintance told me:

Tara, you weren't going to have sex with your personal banker in order to give to him your money to put in the bank. Calling you and asking you to come to the bank was the only way that they could interact with you. You weren't going to screw your attorney, that is why you lost your personal accident case even though you were rear ended. You work without prodding. The current generation does not have that asset. They expect to be rewarded before they work. They are the Obama generation.  They are products of social promotion, rather than hard work. They expected you to flirt with them before you took care of your business transaction. You didn't, so you lost. That is what you weren't prepared for.
Smith adds,'The biggest thing I learned is that financial planning is a huge hurdle for a female. That is why so many elderly females live in complete poverty. What should be simple to accomplish in terms of saving for the future is often very difficult if you are female and dealing with a person who has an agenda besides doing legitimate business. Educate yourself as much as possible.'

'Lastly, I learned that where you went to school is major factor in what your life is like. Los Angeles was a nightmare for me, because the people tampering with my mail and car were actually people I went to high school with. The schoolmates were showing my photo from the Book of Lingerie to this one wealthy Asian guy and saying they knew me, etc. From there, things I ordered started being tampered with, because of whom I date and do not date. My apartments and cars were tampered with and my site would have reached the level of Perez Hilton's were it not for this group of disgruntled people stalking me. But, I kept this in mind - in order to elect someone like Barack Obama, the cognition of the USA had to be lowered. There are a plethora of stupid people in America who think that instead of getting a job, I'll show someone a sexy picture of someone I saw walking at high school from a distance and say that they can arrange a meeting.  Never underestimate jealousy from former schoolmates, especially where race and ethnicity are concerned. That is the real legacy of Barack Obama. People who cannot cognate well enough to move onward and upward in life.', remarks the blogger.

Here's her advice to people starting a new blog.

1. Is your blog about something like food? Send a press release to food editors.
2. Update your blog more than once a day. Search engines love this.
3. Send schwag to search engine companies with your site's name on it.
4. Make sure people in your blog's niche get some schwag with your site's name on it.
5. Be friendly to other blogs in your niche; exchange links.
6. Stay abreast of current events and news. If the health benefits of artichokes are big news that week and
you run a food blog, make sure you have an article on artichokes on your blog.  When I ran my site and there was a movie premiere, I'd see if any of the stars had any plastic surgery.
7. Sponsor an event. Many events offer different tiers of sponsorship, so you don't have to spend thousands the first time.
8. Speak on a panel in your blog's subject area.
9. Have a newsletter for your site. This worked for me in a big way.

Smith finds herself homeless at the moment. Make a donation at Email her at Her official blog of homelessness is:

'Life on the street is grueling.  My feet are always swollen.  The bottoms of my feet are always peeling.  Outside of what I can panhandle, I do not have a dime coming in. I'm trying to apply for jobs, but do not have an address. Anything you can donate to help would be awesome,' she says.

'Winter is coming soon and I could use donations to help me get a studio apartment and then with a job, get my sites up and running again.,' she adds.

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